AutoRun is an award winning, Australian based, technical systems and related electronic and consumables company, which has been servicing primarily the mining industry for over 15 years.

From selling off the shelf proprietary systems to developing new applications on request and supplying cables and contract electronics, AutoRun delivers cost-effective technical solutions.

Through its original product the Australian invented and patented RayTrac Sampling Automation System, AutoRun has gone on to develop automated drill rig sampling systems such as GC AutoSampler and RC AutoSampler.

AutoRun has built a reputation for delivering sophisticated, reliable and cost-effective data collection platforms in drilling, sampling, processing and assaying to blue chip ASX companies. In a commitment to innovation AutoRun has also developed complementary technical products to its main drilling product lines such as MetTrac Ore Tracking system.

To find out more about how we can help you. Contact us directly on +61 (8) 9288 2904

Our Systems

We help to automate processes for our large and mid-tier mining clients.

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Guaranteed high standards and tailored approach.