In 2009 AutoRun was the world first patented inventor of RFID bags for use in drilling and mineral sampling in the mining industry.

Used within the greater RayTrac system, RFID bags provide the advantages barcoded or printed bags cannot, such as the ability to be read at a distance, covered in mud or even underwater.

“Our special microchips embedded in the bags have been in use for years proving to be robust and weather proof and providing 100% read reliability.”

Autorun, with its manufacturing facilities, can also provide non-RFID bags to complement secondary sampling to RayTrac or even stand alone non-RFID sampling methodologies. Enquire today about our RFID, barcode and standard printed calico sample bag packages.

You can browse our range in our consumables section.

Our Systems


RayTracâ„¢ is the first radio wave technology (RFID) used in resource industry sampling and has many advantages over competing products. Let us help you to understand the advantages over barcoded or printed bags.

Our sampling bag range

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We provide our clients with sampling consumables including RFID-ready sample bags and more. Ordering has never been easier.